Saturday, 11 August 2012

Gravity Simulator Draft 2

I've made some decent changes to my Gravity Simulator in the last few days. I'm quite happy with it now and I think I'll be leaving it alone for a while to get some other sims on here.
Here's what to do:
  • Click and drag to create a planet of random mass, with speed and direction determined by your drag.
  • Add or remove the Sun using the tick box and the update button underneath.
Firefox and Internet Explorer users will have to follow the link below for this to work (sorry!)

Fizzbox Gravity Simulator draft 2:

Add Sun

There are a few features I'd still like to add to this like a slider to choose planet mass and saved data for real planets in the solar system, but they can wait till I launch a proper website. Until then I'll be writing a simulation of ideal and non-ideal gas movement. Keep an eye out for it!

1 comment:

  1. Looking good so far Simon, it's really come on from when I saw it last!


About Me

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Manchester, United Kingdom
Second year physics student at the University of Manchester, interested in simulation and education.